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Class Rules + Behavior Management System

Daily Essentials

drinking water


  • Please send a labeled water bottle, daily.
  • Please send a healthy snack daily, for snack time. 
  • We are very fortunate to have physical education daily and will go outside for recess when the weather permits. As such, please send your child in sneakers each day until winter boot season arrives. At that time, please pack a pair of sneakers or send a pair that can be kept in your child’s locker throughout the week. 


Bitmoji Image

Classroom Rules:  

  1. We use good manners.
  2. We raise our hand to speak.
  3. We follow directions quickly.
  4. We always do our best!


Class Dojo: 

Is a communication app for our classroom. It connects teachers and parents who use it to share their child's school experience. On Class Dojo, I will be sharing photos, videos, direct messages and student behavior throughout the school day! Please download the free app and use your parent code to connect with your childs class.

I truly love using this system because it is not a one size fits all behavior management system and allow the students to take ownership of their behavior and monitor themselves throughout the day. These points will accrue and at the end of the week the students will be given rewards based off of their points.


any questions

If you have any questions, this is the quickest way to get ahold of me. 


Dojo Point Chart:

10 points: Pick a sticker or eraser

20 points: Change your Dojo monster

30 points: Bring in Show & Tell

40 points: Pick from the prize bin