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Science Lab Expectations



Welcome to the Science Lab. This class is an extension of the Class Lecture and accounts for 15% of the overall Lecture grade. The class meets every other day for a full 80 minutes. The state requires that a student successfully complete 1200 lab minutes before being eligible to take the Regents final exam. In addition, the Regents final exam devotes 15 % of its grade toward lab-based questions. Students are expected to complete all labs and score at least a 50% on those labs. If a class is missed for any reason, then that lab will need to be made up in advisement or after school.


Class Participation:


The materials you need to bring with you each day are:

Your class notebook

Pencil (all labs must be in pencil, no pen!)




The lab folders remain in class. If you need to finish a lab for homework, then please take home only the lab you are working on.


General Classroom Behavior:

In order to have a successful and enjoyable semester, we need to meet and exceed certain expectations. As a student in Mrs. Rockwood-Klute’s class, you are expected to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and TOLERANT.


Rules of the classroom and lab room:

Be in class, ready to go when the bell rings. If you are late you lose a pass. Three lates in one month will result in detention.

Do not leave without permission

No yelling, screaming, teasing or profanity

Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself

Remain in your seats until you are dismissed by Mrs. Rockwood-Klute


Lab Safety:


The lab is a safe place to experiment if you are careful. You must assume responsibility for the safety of yourself and others in the lab.

The lab is for serious work. NO HORSEPLAY!

Do not perform experiments that are unauthorized. If you would like to explore something further, ask for permission.

Read all directions before proceeding with the lab. Make sure you know what you are doing BEFORE you do it. If you are not sure of the proper procedures, then ask.

Use the safety equipment provided. Make sure you know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash and first aid kit.

Report any accident, injury or incorrect procedure to Mrs. Rockwood-Klute at once.

If clothing, hair, etc. catches of fire, smother with blanket, NEVER RUN.

NEVER taste any materials (unless told to do so) or use any of the glassware to eat or drink from.

When your lab is complete, be sure to turn off the water or gas and disconnect all electrical appliances. Clean your work area. Return all borrowed equipment and materials to where you found them.


I understand and agree to follow the above terms:






Phone # and best time to call___________________________________


Parent/guardian e-mail address_________________________________


Parent/guardian expectations of the student________________________

