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6th Grade Course Expections

6th Grade Art: Course Expectations


Mrs. Braun

Room 143   Ext: 2143


Overview: 6th grade art is a 10 week art course for students that will meet for 10 weeks. This is an art foundation class that will encompass a variety of art experiences and information. During this quarter we will cover the areas of:


2D art  and 3D art 

Drawing and Painting

Various World Cultures and Art Traditions

Art history (including artists and major art movements) 

The elements and principles of art and design


Behavioral Expectations: Students are expected to complete assigned work on both in person and virtual learning formats. Students should arrive to class and Zoom meetings (please see the video conferencing guidelines posted in GC if applicable) on time and  be prepared to work. Everyone should do their best to actively participate in class and to create a positive environment. I encourage constructive discussion and input with a focus on lifting each other up through meaningful and positive interaction. Each student will be held to the school policies regarding behavior and consequences. The use of cell phones will be allowed in class with teacher permission ONLY for special circumstances. Students should not be answering or making phone calls, texting, taking photos or videos, or using ANY device for matters other than intended during class time. Students will get one verbal warning and a second offense will result in the device being placed on the teacher desk for the duration of class. Repeat offenses will result in guardian notification.  


Academic Expectations: Assignments need to be completed to the best of each student’s ability and turned in on time for full credit. Students are also expected to maintain and properly care for the art room and supplies. Proper handling, use, and cleaning are necessary to ensure that we have quality items to use throughout the year. 

Grading: Grades will be posted on Power School within a reasonable amount of time from the assignment due date. Grades will be updated weekly. 

Grading for the course will be broken into the following categories:

Projects = 50%

Google Classroom/Homework = 25%

Quizzes= 25%


Art Supplies: 1 sketchbook (unlined paper) , 24 #2 pencils, 1-2 black fine point Sharpies



Art Projects: Will be assigned and completed during in class learning time.


Google Classroom will be used as a supplemental learning format. Students should come to class prepared with their Chromebooks on the last day of each academic week. 


Homework: No homework will be assigned this year unless a student needs to bring work home that was not completed during class time. Students that are absent on Google Classroom days should complete and submit their work in a timely manner. 


Communication: I will do my best to keep students and parents informed about upcoming events, issues, or great achievements. I welcome and encourage parents to reach out with questions to the contact information listed above. Students are welcome to speak with me at any time during the school day or to arrange for extra art room time with my permission.



Please read this with your parent/guardian, fill out and return the bottom portion only. 


We have read and understood the requirements for Middle School Art class for the coming school year. 



Student Name




Parent/Guardian Name


Print_________________________________ Sign__________________________________


Parent/Guardian Contact Information:


Phone ________________________________


Email _________________________________

6th Grade Art: Course Expectations


Mrs. Braun

Room 138   Ext: 2138


Overview: 6th grade art is a 10 week fine arts course for students. We will meet daily for 10 weeks. This is a foundations class that will encompass a variety of art experiences and information. During this quarter we will cover the areas of:


2D art

3D art




Mixed Media


Art history (including artists and major art movements)

The elements and principals of art and design


Behavioral Expectations: Students are expected to maintain good attendance and make up any work from absences. Students should arrive to class on time and be prepared to work. Everyone should do their best to actively participate in class and to create a positive environment. I encourage constructive discussion and input. Each student will be held to the school policies regarding behavior. The use of the electronic devices will be allowed with teacher permission only.


Academic Expectations: Assignments need to be completed to the best of each student’s ability and turned in on time for full credit. Any student with missing assignments will need to make arrangements with me to finish work. Sketchbooks will be assigned each Monday (or next day as applicable due to holidays) and will be due for grading on the following Monday. Students are expected to keep their projects and sketchbooks organized and in good condition.


Students are also expected to maintain and properly care for the art room and supplies. Proper handling, use, and cleaning are necessary to ensure that we have quality items to use throughout the year. Anyone that is misusing or abusing the art supplies may lose access to certain materials as a result.

Grading: Grades will be posted on PowerSchool within a reasonable amount of time from the assignment due date. Grades will be updated weekly.


Grading for the course will be broken into the following categories:

Projects = 50%

Sketchbooks = 25%

Worksheets = 25%


Communication: I will do my best to keep students and parents informed about upcoming events, issues, or great achievements. I welcome and encourage parents to reach out with questions to the contact information listed above. Students are welcome to speak with me at any time during the school day or to arrange for extra art room time with my permission.



Please sign, detach, and return this bottom portion to Mrs. Braun. Thank you!



We have read and understand the requirements for Middle School Art class for the coming school year.



Student Name




Sign _________________________________


Parent/Guardian Name




Sign _________________________________


Contact Information:


Phone ________________________________


Email ________________________________