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Welcome Letter


Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back to school!  Hope you had a great summer!  The beginning of the school year is such an exciting time.  
Classes will include Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and Independent Living,  as well as Community Based Instruction.  As a part of Independent Living, we will focus on work skills such as appropriate language and interactions in the work place,  stuffing envelopes, hanging flyers in high school halls, collecting water bottles to recycle, distributing copies to teachers etc.  Community Based Instruction will include visiting local restaurants, post-office, library, GLP and the Elementary.   
 If you have any questions during the school year, please feel free to contact me either via the school phone number (716-992-3600, ext. 2112) or through my school email (  I am sure we will have an awesome year!
Mrs. Falkides