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Welcome to My Classroom: General Information

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's Classroom Homepage


 General Supplies for all classes:
Notebook of choice. Three ring binder recommended. Be sure you have somewhere to keep notes, worksheets, homework, tests and quizzes.
Pencils.  ALL work turned in to me will be done in pencil. (I do NOT supply these)  
Loose leaf paper for homework.  (Again I do NOT supply this for you) 
AP Calculus,  Pre-Calculus,  Applied Geomery and Intermediate Algebra, General Calculus:  Students are REQUIRED to have their own graphing calculator to use in class and for homework assignments.  We use the TI-84+ calculators. The school has a calculator loan program, however we are required to be sure that all students taking regents classes have access to the calculators and they will have first chance at any loaned calculators.  We are not required to supply calculators for students in non-regents courses so if you have loaned one in the past, it may not be available this year. 
Intermediate Algebra and Applied Geometry students should have at least a scientific calculator.  If they already have a graphing calculator that is fine.
I have a limited number of graphing calculators for use in class and these calculators are not allowed to leave the classroom.
 If you don't OWN it, LOAN it !

Room: 127
Department: Mathematics
Subjects for 2024-2025: AP Calculus, Pre Calculus, Intermediate Algebra, Applied Geometry, General Calculus
Phone: 992-3600 ext. 2127