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German 1A Expectations

Course Expectations for German 1A

Course Expectations 2024/25
Eden Jr./Sr. High School
Mrs. Crinnin

German 1A

Course Description:
German 1A is the first section of German I, which will be completed with the equivalent of the New York State Proficiency Exam in grade 8. German 1A is a course designed to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in German in accordance with the New York State World Languages standards and requirements. Students will also learn about the history, geography, and culture of Germany and other German-speaking countries. Basic grammatical patterns, as well as vocabulary dealing with everyday situations will be introduced. Educational games, projects, videos, and the use of authentic documents and artifacts are included as means of developing communication and comprehension skills in the target language.

Student Textbooks: 1. Komm Mit!  German Level 1, c. 1995, publ. By Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. 2. Auf Deutsch Level 1, c. 2001, publ. By McDougal Littell

Supplies Needed: * Textbook (covered)
* Blue or Black ink pens
* Pencils
* Loose leaf paper and binder or notebook
* student agenda

Grading Policy: Averages will be computed as follows: Participation: 20%, class work/homework: 20%; quizzes, tests: 30%, and projects: 30%.

The Parent Portal will allow parents to monitor their children's success in the class. Grades will be posted as soon as possible after grading the work.

Assignments: Assignments will be given daily. Homework may be written assignments, studying vocabulary, and/or practicing the language orally. Late assignments will not be accepted after one week, except for long-term illness. Students will lose ten points on the first day the assignment is not submitted. After that day, the assignment is worth 50% at most.

Make-Up Policy: Students are expected to make up class work, assignments, and quizzes the day they return from an absence. For prolonged absences, students must consult the teacher to make up missed class work.

Extra Credit Work: Extra Credit assignments will only be offered at the discretion of the teacher, and only to those students who have completed all the regular course work within the specified time limits.

Teacher Availability: I will be available for extra help or to discuss problems and concerns during the following times:
1. via email and by phone 

Academic and behavioral expectations: Students are expected to
* arrive to class on time and prepared to work
* have their agenda in class. A signed agenda is required for students arriving late to class and to leave the room. Use the agenda to keep track of assignments and keep it intact!
* Participate in a positive and appropriate manner. This includes respecting the teacher, substitute teacher, and classmates, as well as cooperating during group work.
* Respect school property. Treat all classroom materials carefully.
* Food and beverages are not permitted in class.
* Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
* Stay in your seat.
* Follow the rules of the student agenda.

Consequences of Misbehavior: Lack of preparation will result in q decrease of the average. All students will be held accountable for their behavior in class. If a problem continues after I have spoken with you and warned you, I will call home and/or assign detention. If the problem persists, a parent/teacher conference is the next step.

Cheating: All work has to be completed on your own, unless I have specifically assigned a group project. During group work, all members need to participate to their best ability. If you are caught cheating in any form, copying homework, reports, using another person's or a computer's answers, you will receive a grade of zero for the assignment, test, or quiz. Your parents will be contacted. If cheating occurs again, your case will be turned over to the administration for further disciplinary action.