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Class Dojo

This year, we are planning to use Class Dojo for Classroom Behavior, Class Story and Messages. You can download the Class Dojo app on your phone or on the web. 


Class Behavior:  We will be using Class Dojo to reinforce our classroom rules. Students will be able to earn points for making good “green” choices. Points will be removed if students have difficulty following classroom rules after a few reminders. On Class Dojo, you will be able to see your child’s points for the day.

Class Story: We will post important information for our whole class to see. This will include important upcoming events, pictures of classroom learning, reminders, and the daily remote learning activities for students that are home. 

Messages: This feature allows us to send private messages to parents and will also allow you to send messages. This is an easy and convenient way to communicate with each other, but of course, notes, phone calls and emails are always welcomed ways to reach out. 




Class Dojo