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Class Rules + Behavior Management System

School Rules
1. Be Respectful.
2.  Be Responsible.
3.  Do The Right Thing.
Class Rules
1.  Listen when your teacher is talking.
2.  Follow directions quickly.
3.  Raise your hand to talk.
4.  Respect yourself.  Respect others.  Respect your school.
5.  Be safe.  Be honest.  Be kind.
Classroom Discipline Plan
ClassDoJo is a behavior point management system intended to promote positive student behavior. Follow your child's friendly "monster" on the app. Students earn "Dojo" points based on class values. Students can earn positive class values, "Dojo points" for ex. participation, keep on task, helping others, working hard etc. or lose Dojo points, "needs work" class values ex. off task, disrespect, talking out of turn. A class Dojo flyer will be sent home with detailed instructions on how to join and download the free app and enter your specific code found on the flyer or click link below. 
ClassDojo will also be a way to communicate with me. You can easily text me with questions or concerns and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Click on link below to connect to our Class Dojo.
**Class Dojo is now offering a part of the app with extra add-ons that cost money.  Please DO NOT  purchase this, not necessary.
