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Routines and Procedures

My name is Mrs. Adrianna Pacella and I will be your child’s Pre-K teacher this year at the GLP Primary School. Mrs. Kathy Slisz  is the aide in our classroom and will be working with your child every day. We are so excited to get to know you and your child! Please take your time and read the important information listed below and feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

Routines & Procedures of our classroom:


Water and Footwear- We are very fortunate to have Physical Education daily and will go outside for recess when the weather permits. During the winter months, we will be using the Kaboom Room (an indoor playground!) As such, please send your child in sneakers each day until winter boot season arrives. At that time, please pack a pair of sneakers or send a pair that can be kept in your child’s locker throughout the week. Please note that for safety purposes, if your child is not wearing sneakers, he/she will not be permitted to take part in physical activities, including playing on playground equipment and participating in P.E. class. Additionally, please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each and every day.

Morning Drop Off: Students will need to be dropped off between 8:35-8:45. They should not be on school grounds unattended before 8:35 A.M. Please enter the GLP parking lot at the entrance closest to the woods and pull forward along the Kindergarten wing. Staff members will be positioned around the drop off zone to help your child out of the car, greet them, and assist them in finding their classrooms. Important: please stay in your vehicle and do not leave your car in the drop off line. Also, please do not allow your child out of the vehicle until a staff member is present!

Snack Time-A daily snack will be provided for all students each day and will be served each afternoon. You do not need to send in a daily snack for your child! While snack items are furnished through our Pre-K grant, we are always accepting and very appreciative of any snack donations (Goldfish, pretzels, fruit snacks, juice, etc.)! Thank you in advance!

Birthdays- You are welcome to send in a store-bought/prepared treat on your child's special day (no homemade snacks can be accepted). We have 18 friends in our class this year.

Rest Time- Because we are a full-day pre-kindergarten classroom, the students will have an afternoon nap/rest time following lunch. This gives all children an opportunity to relax and recharge in a safe, calm, and comfortable setting. We will transition into rest time gradually with calming music and dimmed lights.  Please be sure to send in a roll-up nap mat with your child to be kept at school. Rest time supplies will be sent home regularly for laundering. 

Medical Information/Absences/Transportation- Please contact the school nurse with all health-related inquiries or concerns. Any dismissal changes, absences, transportation changes or emergencies should be directed to the GLP Main Office.




Mrs Adrianna Pacella