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Class Dojo

Class Dojo - Sanchez, Jocelyne - Mater Gardens Academy

This year, I will be utilizing an innovative online tool called Class Dojo to help keep you informed of your child’s behavior at school, share whole class and individual messages, and post photos of all the fun things we are doing in the classroom! 

Within Class Dojo, students can both earn and lose points based on the behaviors they demonstrate in the classroom, at lunch, and at specials. As a parent, you will receive an alert when your child has earned or lost a point (your child will only lose a point when he or she hurts another child), along with a brief statement regarding the point change. When your child earns 10 points for good behavior, they get to pick a prize out of the prize box that is in our classroom!

You will also be able to view messages that I have sent to the whole class or to your particular family, and message me with any questions or concerns of your own. However, please refrain from using Class Dojo to communicate sensitive or confidential information. Please contact the school nurse with all health-related inquiries or concerns. Any dismissal changes or emergencies should be directed to the GLP Main Office.

To get started, all you need to do is download the free app and enter your parent code (please see your child’s Class Dojo flyer in his or her take home folder for your specific code and more detailed instructions on how to get started).