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Welcome to Mr. O'Hare's Homepage




Hello and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Mr. O'Hare. I began teaching health education at Eden MS/HS on January 27th, 2020. This will be my fifth full year in Eden, and I absolutely love it here! I taught health and physical education at Buffalo Public School #80 - Highgate Heights from September 2015 to January 2020. This will be my 10th full year as a teacher! I graduated with my PE/Health undergraduate degree from SUNY Cortland in 2014 before earning my graduate degree in Educational Technologies and Emerging Media from Canisius College. 


Please note that the tenative plan is that Ms. Armbruster will teach 6th grade health going forward. I will be teaching 1-2 sections of Physical Education.


See you in September!


Room:  105
Department: Health
Phone:  992-3600 x2105





6th Grade Health - 10 Weeks

2024-2025 (Ms. Armbruster)


Course Description: Health I is a NYSED required Middle School Course.This course is designed to teach students about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and to provide them with a foundation for the material that will be taught in both 7th and 9th grade Health Education.

The curriculum includes: Digital paperless assignments; Wellness, Social and Emotional Health, Stress Management, Nutrition, Puberty, Mental Health, Conflict resolution.

Grading Policy: All tests, quizzes, and in-class assignments that receive a grade are weighed equally for a percentage grade. No cheating or student receives a zero and parents are notified. PowerSchool will be updated weekly (occasionally bi-weekly).

Technology in the classroom: All students are accountable as per the Eden CSD acceptable use policy. Computers are school property. 

Class assignments and digital tests will be done on GoogleClassroom and/or our digital textbook. 

Supplies: Access to the Internet/GoogleClassroom & Textbook, Paper Folder w/ pockets, paper and pen. 

Make Up Policy : Students are expected to follow Assignments posted in GoogleClassroom. 

Behavioral Expectations: All rules and policies in the Eden CSD Student Agenda will be enforced. 

7th Grade Health (Semester Course)




NYS Education Dept. mandates .5 Health credit at the Middle School level. The curriculum includes digital lessons and tests on GoogleClassroom. Topics include ; Healthy Lifestyle choices, Wellness, Social and Emotional Health, Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, Stress Management, Nutrition, Conflict Resolution, Puberty, Prevention of Illegal Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco & Vaping use & Human Sexuality. Grading Policy;

All tests, quizzes, and in-class assignments that receive a grade are weighed equally for a percentage grade. No cheating or the student receives a zero and parents are notified as per student agenda. PowerSchool will be updated weekly. Check student's test scores in GoogleClassroom. Computers are school property and all students are accountable as per the Eden CSD technology acceptable use policy.


Supplies: Home or wifi access to the Internet/GoogleClassroom, EAR BUDS FOR CLASS (there are headphones in the classroom), Paper Folder w/ pocket, paper and pen.

Make Up Policy; If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to check the GoogleClassroom stream for the lesson. Students must arrange test make-ups with the teacher. A zero will appear in PowerSchool until the test is made up.

Behavioral Expectations; All rules and policies in the Eden CSD Student Agenda will be enforced.

Parents or Legal Guardians have the right to "OPT OUT" their student from the HIV/AIDS Prevention lectures. The " OPT OUT " policy is presented in the school calendar.

9th Grade Health (Semester Course)



-The focus of 9th grade health education is to identify and practice communication and pro-social skills necessary for all students to navigate the teen years and life with healthy choices. Traditional and pop-culture health risks will be evaluated in an age appropriate manner.

-Topics will include; Stress Management (mental health), Personal Safety(internet dangers), Violence Prevention;The New York State Dignity for all Act effective July 1, 2012(bullies & victims), Healthy Family Dynamics, Sexual Abstinence, STIs and HIV/AIDS Prevention, Auto Safety, Fitness & Nutrition, Disease Prevention(cancers, heart disease, asthma), Prevention of Addiction, (alcohol, illegal drugs or prescription drugs), Human Sexuality (contraception, pregnancy, & delivery).

-CLASS RULES: All school policies in the Eden School Agenda will be enforced. Computers are school property - (see agenda). 

-CHEATING: Parents will be notified & student receives a ZERO and will be written up.
-SUPPLIES: EAR BUDS FOR CLASS,Access to Internet/Google Classroom, Paper Folder with pockets, Paper, Pen.

-Grades will be updated for the PowerSchool Parent/Student portal weekly. This class is primarily conducted paperless on GoogleClassroom and our online Mcgraw-Hill digital textbook. Students and parents should feel free to print if needed to meet learning style needs. ALL classroom and homework assignments will be on GoogleClassroom. Technology in the classroom; All students are accountable as per the Eden CSD Acceptable Use Policy. Students will also take digital tests in GoogleClassroom or on our digital textbook platform. Parents or Legal Guardians have the right to "OPT OUT" their student from the HIV/AIDS Prevention lectures. The " OPT OUT " policy is presented in the school calendar.

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