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Social Studies 8 Course Expectations

Introduction to Social Studies 8

I.) Introduction to the Course

Social Studies 8 is a mandatory course for all students in eighth grade. It continues with American history where 7th grade left off. We will begin this year with a review of the Constitution, then cover Causes of the Civil War all the way to modern American history. The emphasis is not necessarily on dates and names, but rather to understand why events in history have happened(cause and effect), as well hone the various skills used in social studies.. The information learned is extremely important and will be assessed in June on a cumulative final exam.

II.) Contact Info

Parents feel free to contact me at any time concerning your child’s achievements. E-Mail is the easiest way to communicate with me and my school address is . You can also call the school and leave a voicemail message.

III.) Parent Portal

Beginning this year, parents will be able to access their child’s grades through the parent portal. I strongly encourage parents to utilize this tool to check on homework completion and test grades. Please understand that due to having well over 100 students test grades may take a week or more to be entered into the computer. Also, if you have any concerns about a missing or inaccurate grade please e-mail me and I will look into it as soon as possible.

IV.) Materials Needed

The following is a list of the materials needed for the class

-1 inch, 3 ring binder with at least one pocket

-pens and pencils

-loose-leaf paper

-colored pencils

-highlighters(yellow, green and pink)

IV.) Classroom Rules

Excellent behavior and respect is expected from all students on a daily basis. Please read the following rules so you understand what is expected of you.

1.) Be Prepared/On Time- It is mandatory that all students come to class everyday with notebook, paper, pen, pencil, homework, and be ready to work. Also, students are expected to be in class when the bell rings. If a student is late to class for any reason, they must have a pass from a teacher or one from the office. If a student is late for class without a pass more than once they will be assigned a detention. No exceptions!

2.) Gum, Candy and Food- Gum and candy is allowed only if it is not seen, heard or left where it doesn’t belong. If these rules are not followed you may lose the privilege. Bottled water may be brought to class as long as it is not a distraction. Food and other drinks, on the other hand, are never acceptable in the classroom, unless a student has a medical need to do so.

3.) Respect Others- Respect is a very important in the classroom. Without it learning can not take place. Therefore, in my room everyone is to be treated with the greatest respect. This means no name calling, taunting, or vulgar language. Also, hands are to be kept to themselves at all times. Any violation of this rule could lead to detention or other consequences.

4.) Hats, Cell Phones and iPods- Hats, cell phones and iPods should never be brought to class. If so they will be confiscated and given to the office.


V.) Grading

The following is a general guideline of how your work will be graded:

-Tests 25%

-Projects 25%

-Homework and Quizzes 30%

-Participation 10%

-Notebook 10%

Participation includes being prepared for class every day. Notebook checks will be done

randomly throughout the semester.

VI.) Homework

Students will receive approximately 20-30 minutes of homework after every class. It is expected that students will read their textbooks and complete all work assigned. If a student needs help they should feel free to seek assistance, but students should not be copying other student’s work. Furthermore, all work is to be handed in at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. If not completed, it will be marked as a zero and the student will be expected to complete the assignment in class before rejoining class activities.

VII.) Absences

If for any reason a student misses class it is YOUR responsibility to find out what work was missed and to make it up as quickly as possible. If you are absent on an “A” day and present the next day, it is expected that you will find me during the day to get your work. Please remember one absence is 80 minutes of instruction!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I, _______________________________, understand the rules of the classroom and realize what is expected of me in order to pass the course.

Dear Parent,

Please read and go over the preceding rules and responsibilities with your child. We have already gone over them in detail, but it would be very beneficial if you would go over it with your son/daughter as well. Please sign your name below stating that you have read the rules and responsibilities and that your child knows what is expected of him/her. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at the Jr./Sr. High School (992-3641) at any time. Thank You.


James M. Utley

Parent Signature __________________________________________________________

Contact Information:

Home Phone #____________________

E-Mail Address:__________________________________________

E-mail is the easiest way to contact me and will allow me the opportunity to notify you of major projects, final exams, and to keep you up to date on your child’s progress.