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Class Rules + Behavior Management System


1.  BE RESPECTFUL- What does that look like?        

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated (if not better!)
  • Take care of your materials                                                
  • Speak kindly to others                                                       
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself                                                     
  • Be a good listener
  • Walk quietly in the hallways respecting other learners      
2.  BE RESPONSIBLE- What does that look like?
  • Take ownership of your own actions
  • Be honest
  • Take care of yourself and your job

3.  DO THE RIGHT THING- What does that look like?

  • Always try your best
  • Follow directions
  • Listen when others are talking


Class Dojo 

In our classroom, we will utilize Class Dojo as our main behavior management system. Students will earn Dojo Points for following the classroom rules and expectations, making positive choices, and being a kind friend to others. If students are struggling to follow expectations and need reminders for behaviors, points will be removed. Parents can view the points gained and lost on Class Dojo each day if they desire. Students will earn certain prizes throughout the year based on the number of points earned. Below you will find the reward system for points earned as well as the conversion chart that students will use to color in how their day was based on their behaviors in school.




Football Frenzy

In honor of Bills Season, I have created a unique whole group behavior management system! When the class gets complimented by another teacher or an adult from the building, or the class is caught doing the right thing, the football carried by Josh Allen on our field chart will move 10 yards down the field towards the end zone. Once the football makes it to the endzone, the class will earn a reward that we have chosen together, such as a flashlight reading party, a pajama day, a stuffed animal day, or something of the like!