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Welcome to My Classroom

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GLP  Library 

Rm. 30

Phone: 992-3638 ext. 3030




Dear GLP Families, 

I am so excited to work with your child this year. Allow me to tell you about the library, makerspace and book check out.  Every other month I send home a newsletter entitled “Agle Announcements” which gives an overview of everything that has been happening in the library and makerspace, as well as upcoming events.  You can find this newsletter on my teacher webpage: /Domain/250 .

Every week I will see your child for a 45 minute library lesson. During this time, students will learn various things about the library, including how to locate books, information about authors/illustrators, and using puppets to create stories and so much more.  I will also see your child every week for a 20 minute book check out. Students will be given a reusable bag with their name, teacher’s name and the day of the week they have book check out.  Remind your child to bring this bag back with their library book every single week. To prevent books from being lost or damaged, please do not put any other books (or papers) including IRLA books, public library books or water bottles in the bag. Book check out will not begin until the end of September. 

Every other week I will see your child in the makerspace for 30 minutes. The makerspace is a place for students to learn to work collaboratively, become critical thinkers and to have fun. Stations will change approximately every 12 weeks to allow all classes to get through each station. Your child may bring home some items they have created in the makerspace. Be sure to ask them about their experiences.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a wonderful school year! 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Agle 

