Welcome to PE
Welcome to Eden Elementary
Physical Education
Physical Education
kwitman@edencsd.org - Mr. Witman
amasciale@edencsd.org - Miss Masciale
25 Ways to get up and get moving!
Our Mission:
Vesting our students with the ability to live an active, healthy and enjoyable lifestyle
Our Goals:
Health related physical fitness and wellness
Allowing our students successful experiences to enhance the development of a positive self-concept, skills to help one's self confidence, assertiveness, independence, and self-control
We will provide opportunities for the students to develop appropriate social behavior through different experiences.
Developmental concepts
We will provide the students with experiences in developmental concepts that enhance participation in movement situations
Specific activity skills
We will identify and develop specific activity skills that lead to successful participation in sports, recreation, and lifelong fitness
Enjoyment through moving
We will provide an environment that fosters enjoyment of physical activity, movement and play
NYS Physical Education Learning Standards:
- Personal Health and Fitness
- A Safe and Healthy Environment
- Resource Management (utilizing community and surroundings)
Mr. K. Witman Physical Education
992-3610 X4147email: kwitman@edencsd.org |
Miss A. Masciale |