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Morning Parent Drop Off

As part of our process to improve the pace at which students are dropped-off at school, we are making some minor modifications at the beginning of the second semester (Monday, January 27) at Eden Middle & High School. As a reminder, the Athletic entrance is available for parents to drop-off students in the morning to alleviate traffic at the Parent Drop-Off Circle in the front of the building. If Schoolview gets backed-up, we may direct you to drop off at the Athletic entrance.

At the Parent Drop-Off Circle, you will notice that there will be staff directing traffic. Our intention is for more students to exit vehicles at the same time. There will be a staff member at the crosswalk, as well. This staff member will hold students and direct them when to cross the crosswalk, and also direct cars to either wait or move forward. The Science wing doors will now be open so that students toward the back of the circle can enter there.

As a friendly reminder, and in an attempt to improve student tardiness and attendance, please try to schedule your drop-off earlier than 7:30AM. If too many parents drop- off students at     7:28 AM or 7:29 AM, it is unlikely that those students will be able to make homeroom at 7:30 AM on time.  

Thank you for your understanding,

William McDonagh

Eden High School Principal