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 Eden MS/HS Attendance Information 

Hours and Attendance: 

Doors open at 7:15 AM. No students will be allowed in the building prior to that - there is no adult supervision.  

IMPORTANT- School begins at 7:30 AM. If the student is not in their homeroom before 7:30 they are considered tardy and will have to sign in at the attendance office.



Email or Call In to report your child’s absence, late arrival, or early dismissal

(Calls to the Attendance Office do not take the place of an absence note and a note must be provided.)


Parent Call-In: 716-992-3663

Attendance Note Form

***Research on student achievement clearly indicates that regular attendance is one of the most essential elements to academic success and every effort should be made to schedule appointments outside of the school day.***

If your child is ill or unable to attend school, parents should call the parent call in number at 716-992-3663 before 8:00 AM or as soon as possible. In order for an absence to be recorded as an “Excused Absence”, an absence note for the absence must be received in the Attendance Office within five (5) days of the student’s return to school. The note must include child’s name, reason for absence, date and signature of a parent, or person in parental relation. Calls to the Attendance Office do not take the place of an absence note. Any absence without a note is considered illegal (un-excused).


Student Attendance
School attendance is mandatory in New York State from the age of six (6) until the age of seventeen (17). By law, parents are held responsible for their child’s unexcused absences.

Excused Absences, Tardies and Early Dismissal:
• Personal illness 
• Illness or death in family 
• Unsafe travel condition (may not be used when busses are running) 
• Religious observance 
• Medical appointment 
• Quarantine 
• Required court appearance 
- Shadowing at another school

Unexcused Absences, Tardies and Early Dismissal: 
Examples of unexcused absence or lateness to school include, but are not limited to: 
• Family vacation 
• Hunting 
• Babysitting 
• Haircut 
• Oversleeping 
• Missed bus 
• Private instruction 


Early Dismissal:
Early Dismissal from school for reasons other than medical or dental appointments are discouraged. If an early dismissal is necessary, a written request giving a brief explanation, signed by your parent or guardian needs to be given to the Attendance Office.  Students returning to school after an early dismissal are to report back to the Attendance Office. If no specific reason for early dismissal is given, the absence resulting from the early dismissal may be recorded by the Attendance Office as an “Unexcused Absence.”   


Making Up Missed Work:
In the case of an excused absence, students will have the opportunity to make up work that is assigned or collected on the day of that absence. The student will be responsible for meeting with teachers regarding missed assignments. Parents may contact the Attendance Office to request assignments in cases of prolonged (more than three days) absence. Less than three days absence students should check in with their teacher and google classroom for assignments. If a student misses a class due to a music lesson, field trip, special activity, etc., he/she is responsible for checking with his/her teacher(s) to obtain work that will be covered that day. Each student will be expected to complete all work that was missed.