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Building Initiatives

Building Initiatives

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Eden Central School District utilizes iReady Classroom Mathematic in grades Kindergarten-Five.  The iReady Classroom Mathematics curriculum is designed to address the Next Generation New York State Math Standards and the recommended mathematical practices.  Primary students are developing their mathematical mind through deep study in the following areas:  counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, operations in base ten, measurement and data, and geometry.

iReady Classroom Mathematics curriculum focuses on learning through problem solving.  Daily embedded learning routines allows students to experience discourse-based instruction while students strengthen their conceptual understanding of mathematics.  The combination of print, hands-on and technological resources give students a robust learning experience.


Math For Families

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English Language Arts


ELA instruction is delivered utilizing the New York State recommended curriculum from Core Knowledge.  These domains of instruction are broken into two strands: the Listening and Learning Strand and the Skills Strand. 

The Listening and Learning Strand is designed for students to acquire language aptitude through listening.  This program specifically builds a rich vocabulary and broad knowledge base in history, science and literature by exposure to a carefully selected, sequenced, and coherent read-aloud domains of study.

The skill strand teaches the mechanics of reading and writing. Students are taught systematic and explicit phonics instruction as their primary tool for decoding.

Each domain includes: daily lesson plans, guiding questions, recommended texts, scaffolding strategies, examples of proficient student work and other classroom resources.  Each domain wraps up with an end-of domain performance task, which will provide formative information to teachers around each student’s progress toward proficiency on the standards.

The two strands, when used in tandem, provide primary age students optimum instruction necessary to make the transition from learning to read to reading to learn.  Students will have a broad knowledge base and a strong decoding ability.



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Descriptors of Balanced Literacy Components
Element Teacher Role Student Role
Guided Reading - The teaching approach designed to help individual students learn how to process a variety of increasingly challenging texts with understanding and fluency. Use instructional texts to provide direct instruction before, during, and after reading based on the current needs of a homogeneous group of students. Running records and anecdotals can occur here. Problem solves while reading for meaning and applying strategies.
Flexible Groups - Skill/Need orientated. Use a variety of resources and strategies to teach skills by need among a group of students. Groups change frequently. Learn and practice skills with teacher assistance and independently.
Shared Reading - Teacher and students engage in the reading tasks, using enlarged text or a small text of which a child has a copy (decodable text) Involve students in reading together, provides high level of support, demonstrates strategies, and leads students n group problem solving. Support one another, engage in reader behavior, converse about the meaning of the text, and are involved in group problem solving.
Independent Reading - Using appropriate text, students engage in reading on their own or with a partner, to develop reading stamina and practice reading skills/strategies. After a mini-lesson, teacher confers with individual students or small groups (guided reading) to reinforce and/or evaluate student progress. Teacher observes reading behaviors and keeps records. After a mini-lesson, students apply new knowledge and practice through continuous reading and/or responding.
Read Aloud - Teacher reads a carefully selected text, selected for special features and representative of our diverse society While creating a community of readers, the teacher provides for students' opportunities to hear and discuss phrased and fluent reading, develop complex language structures, and support inter-textual ties. Responds to picture meaning and language, within the reading community and direction of the teacher.
Word Knowledge/Study - Woven through activities in the literacy framework, teachers foster opportunities to notice and use letters and words. Through careful observation the teacher defines opportunities to help students become aware of the visual aspects of print. Students use what they know or what they have learned to solve new words. Students become proficient in the process of word recognition and identification.
Guided Writing - Students are engaged in writing a variety of genres for a variety of purposes. Provide explicit teaching through mini-lessons and conferences, to address specific needs of individuals or small groups. Through a variety of writing experiences including direct instruction, the student will engage in writing behaviors that lead to writing proficiency.
Shared Writing - Teacher and students work together to compose messages and stories. Teacher is the scribe. Support writing process as scribe. Enable children's ideas to be recorded. Draws attention to particular elements of print. Participates with teacher in creation or written language.
Independent Writing - Students write independently or with support from a peer or teacher. Conference with students, observing and monitoring the progress of individual students. Engage in a variety of writing activities using prior knowledge and new knowledge.


Narrative: May be fiction, non-fiction and poetry. A text that contains story elements.
Purpose: To entertain or relate an experience.

Expository: Informational texts that contain information, facts, ideas, and principles.
Purpose: To convey accurate information.

Persuasive: A text containing acts and examples to support the writer's opinion.
Purpose: A Text that attempts to influence the reader's point of view.

Descriptive: A vivid text about a person, place, thing, or idea.
Purpose: To help the reader form images or visualize processes.

Step Up To Writing

Step Up To Writing is a step by step sequentially designed writing program. It teaches children how to write a complete detailed sentence and gives them concrete vocabulary to use to differentiate between different styles of writing. It teaches children strategies for writing sentences, paragraphs, and expository and narrative text through hands on activities, visual cues, color-coding and paper folding. These strategies develop organization skills needed for writing. This program makes the writer write with the reader in mind!



Eden Central School District utilizes Amplify Science in grades Kindergarten-Five.  The program is designed to meet and exceed the New York State Science Standards.  Amplify Science is a comprehensive program that utilizes hands-on investigations, engaging digital experiences and literacy experiences to spark student to become 21st century scientists and engineers. Students become actual scientists to figure out and solve real world problems.