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Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

Dignity for All Students Act Information

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) was signed into law on September 13, 2010 and became effective on July 1, 2012.  On July 1, 2013 the DASA legislation was amended to incorporate cyberbullying.

The intent of DASA is to ensure the right of all students to attend schools and perform in environments free from bullying, harassment and/or discrimination. 

What Does the Passage of the DASA Legislation Mean for Schools?

Statewide, schools are expected to:

  • Provide training to staff relative to DASA Legislation.
  • Identify Dignity Act Coordinator/s charged with conducting investigations.
  • Ensure that the concepts of civility, citizenship, and character education are included in curriculum.
  • Ensure that DASA related polices are included in school Codes of Conduct.
  • Ensure that state reporting requirements are met annually.

Who is Protected Under the DASA Legislation?

In an effort to ensure that all students are provided with an opportunity to attend public schools free from discrimination and harassment, (10) protected classes were identified: Race, Color, Weight, National origin, Ethnic group, Religion or Religious practices, Disability, Sexual orientation, Gender (including gender expression or identity), or Sex.

DASA Legislation stipulated that no student be subject to harassment or bullying by their peers or employees related to the above classes.

Defining Key DASA Terms

Harassment: Creation of a hostile environment that would/could reasonably interfere with a student’s educational performance.

Bullying: Unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repetitious in nature and occurs over time. These events may be verbal, social, physical, and/or occur electronically (cyber- bullying). 

Discrimination: The act of denying rights/equitable treatment or access to facilities available to others based upon the group, class, or category to which a person belongs.

Conflict Vs. Bullying



Equal power between students

Imbalance of power between students

Student(s) show remorse

Student(s) do not/ have not shown remorse

Student(s) demonstrate the ability to modify their behavior

Student(s) do not/have not demonstrated the ability to modify their behavior.

Student(s) demonstrate the ability to self-monitor

Student(s) do not/have not demonstrated the ability to self-monitor.

What Should I do?

In the event that you believe a student has been bullied, harassed, or discriminated against (based on the definitions provided above) and you wish to file a formal DASA compliant with the District, please complete the reporting form attached and submit it to the District Coordinator of DASA, Ms. Sari Goldberg per the instructions on the form. 

Upon receipt of your report, the District Coordinator of DASA will:

  • Contact the reporter and  review the completed form; and
  • Contact a  Dignity Act Coordinators (DAC) to initiate the investigation process.

The Dignity Act Coordinators, who are trained to conduct DASA investigations will plan for a comprehensive investigation, which will include various interviews, and will generate a report that includes their findings and recommendations.  

Please contact your school's DASA coordinator for any further questions, or to report an instance verbally. You may also email or complete a Dignity Complaint Form  click here  and send that directly to your school's DASA coordinator.  All emails will be kept confidential.

The DASA Coordinators for the EDEN Central School District are as follows:
Middle & Senior High School
William McDonagh,  Principal
Jeffrey Cervoni, Principal
Erin Collins, Counselor
Jennifer Dibble, Counselor
Scott Minton, Counselor
Eden Elementary School
Kelly LaRosa, Principal
Shannon Hennigan-Fitzgerald, Counselor
GLP School
Loran Carter, Principal
Shannon Hennigan-Fitzgerald, Counselor