Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Thank you for your interest in the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program through the Eden Central School District.
UPK registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be open from January 30, 2024 - March 21, 2024. Space is limited, so please try to register as early as possible! If you register after March 21st you will not be able to participate in the lottery and will be placed on a waiting list. Our program is currently full.
If you have questions about the UPK program please contact: Loran Carter (principal of the GLP Primary School) at (716) 992-3638 or lcarter@edencsd.org.
Registration for UPK is completed online. Please fill out the complete form and add all the appropriate documents needed.
Your child is not considered registered until we receive all the appropriate documents.
If you have questions about the registration process, contact the Central Registrar:
phone: (716) 992-3636
email: registrar@edencsd.org
Central Registrar Address:
Eden Central School District
8289 N. Main St.
Eden, NY 14057
About UPK
- The UPK program is limited to children who will be four years old on or by December 1st of the year when they start the program. To qualify for UPK during the 2024-2025 school year, the child's birthday must fall between 12-2-19 and 12-1-20.
- The program is a full day program (6.5 hours daily).
- The program will follow the school district calendar, with an anticipated 180 days of student attendance.
- There is limited availability for the program based on grant-funding. During the 23-24 school year, there were 72 slots available for children. If more children apply than there are available slots, the district will hold a random selection process (i.e. drawing names randomly in a lottery format).