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From CPSE to CSE - Transitioning to Kindergarten

Transitioning to Kindergarten ~ from CPSE (Committee on Preschool Education) to CSE (Committee on Special Education)


Transitioning is the process of moving from one service system to the next system.

  • At age 3 years, students who receive Early Intervention transition to CPSE.
  • At age 5 years, students transition from CPSE to CSE. The CSE is responsible for school age children with disabilities ages 5-21. A child classified as a “preschooler with a disability” must meet different criteria as a school age child to be classified.

Members of the CSE Committee

  • Chairperson
  • General Education Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Related Service Providers- Speech, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist (when appropriate)
  • School Psychologist
  • Parents/Families/Caregivers

The Annual Review and Transition Meeting

The CPSE Annual Review is a meeting that takes place typically in the spring, by the committee, to discuss progress made during the year by the student. If data supports significant regression of skills during breaks/recesses without the service, then summer services (Extended School Year) may be recommended by the CPSE.

The transition meeting to CSE may follow the CPSE Annual Review.

Eligibility for CSE is based on the following possible sources of information:

  • parent report
  • observation
  • evaluations
  • progress reports
  • teacher reports

All members of the committee collaborate to make important decisions and necessary changes to the student’s program.

If the student is deemed not eligible for CSE, then he/she will be declassified. Strategies and/or support under Academic Intervention Services (AIS) may be warranted. Such services and/or supports are building based services.


As a preschool student, your child was designated as a “preschooler with a disability” on the Individualized Education Program (IEP). For school-age (ages 5-21) special education, your child must meet the specific eligibility criteria for one of 13 disability classifications required by the New York State Education Department.

Classifications include:

  • Autism
  • learning disability
  • deafness
  • intellectual disability
  • deaf-blindness
  • multiple disabilities
  • emotional disturbance
  • orthopedic impairment
  • speech language impaired
  • traumatic brain injury
  • visual impairment
  • hearing impairment
  • other health impaired


What evaluations are performed and who conducts the evaluations?

Prior to the meeting, the district will contact providers/preschool site/agency to discuss your child’s progress. In some cases, district representatives may visit preschool site/agency to observe your child’s skills and needs.

The evaluations that were conducted to qualify a student for CPSE will be reviewed and a determination will be made as to whether additional testing is necessary.

The CSE will examine closely a student’s skills, strengths and areas of need to determine current levels of functioning. The following areas are examined:

  • Adaptive behavior - dressing, eating, toileting
  • Cognitive functioning-reasoning, readiness skills, problem solving
  • Social emotional - interaction with others
  • Physical - fine motor skills and gross motor skills
  • Communication - articulation, receptive and expressive language (speech)
  • Physical examination is conducted by a medical professional
  • Psychological evaluation and social history is conducted by a psychologist
  • Classroom observation; if conducted
  • Progress reports and/or recent testing performed by service providers, such as speech therapists/pathologists, occupational therapists or physical therapists

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

If the Committee determines your child is eligible for special education services, an IEP is developed to meet your student’s needs. The IEP is a document which includes:

  • results of evaluations
  • strengths, abilities and areas of need of the child
  • goals and objectives
  • testing accommodations
  • special equipment
  • program modifications
  • transportation services
  • assistive technology
  • support for classroom teacher

The IEP is a confidential document. Each teacher and service provider of the student will review and have access to the student’s IEP. Teachers and providers will be aware of specific accommodations, modifications and support, to which they are responsible for addressing. The IEP has annual goals that are developed and implemented for the school year. IEPs may be amended at any time during the year.

Available Programs – Continuum of Services

For school-age students, special education services and programs may include specially designed instruction and supplementary services. The continuum of services is as follows:

  • Consultant Teacher services (direct/indirect)
  • Resource Room
  • Integrated Co-Teaching Class (ICT)
  • Special Class (self-contained)
  • Related Services (speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or counseling services as needed by each child)


Therapists work with the student in a specific location for a specified amount of time each week as determined by the CSE. Services may be “pull out” or “push in” to the classroom which can be delivered in either on an individual or group basis.

The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

The school district is responsible for providing an appropriate education for each student. The location of where services will be provided must be in the least restrictive environment, which is determined by the CSE. School age students with a disability will receive services typically in the general education class with necessary supports and services. Some students, due to their intensive needs, may need programs or services that occur out of the general education curriculum and/or setting. Students with disabilities are placed in the least restrictive setting and integrated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent possible, based on each student’s individual needs.

Placement Examples

Kindergarten placements may include:

  • General Education Kindergarten with no supports (traditional setting)
  • General Education Kindergarten with related services
  • General Education Kindergarten with Integrated Co-Teach
  • Resource Room
  • Consultant Teacher
  • Indirect Consultant Teacher
  • Special Class - in district
  • Special Class – BOCES
  • Special Class – Agency School