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My School Bucks Prepay Lunch

Dear User,

This website provides a number of key features you will find beneficial, including:
- Scheduled recurring payments
- Automatic deposits when your child’s account balance runs low
- Extended purchase history for the past 90 days

Please go to to prepay your child's lunch.  You will receive an e-mail from mySchoolBucks that provides some additional information about the service along with basic instructions on how to use the website. 
Now it is even easier to make payments to your student's meal account.  mySchoolBucks now has it's own smartphone app.  You can download it for free now for your Android, iPhone or iPad.
Important Things to Note About mySchoolBucks:
The convenience fee for cafeteria account deposits will be $2.49, which will cover all deposits made within a single transaction.
You may fund up to $120 per child, but you may pay for all of your children on a single transaction.
mySchoolBucks has the following payment methods available for use:
Electronic Check

To help answer some of your questions about this program, we compiled a list of commonly asked questions in the provided link below:
Thank you,
The Support Team

For prepayment of your child's lunches, please visit
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