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Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources


If you need help or someone to talk to, here are some suggestions:  Parent, Teacher, Counselor,       School Resource Officer, Other Safe Adult, Your General Doctor or Pediatrician.                                     24-Hour Addiction Hotline 716-831-7007.   Crisis Services 716-834-3131    Other Resources listed below:

If you or anyone need help call:  911 for mental health emergencies.

Erie County Mental Wellness Resource:


Eden Middle & High School Counseling Staff - Call 992-3601

Mr. Scott Minton - School Counselor Gr. 6-8

Mrs. Jennifer Dibble - School Counselor Gr. 9-12 (A-K)                                                           

Mr. David Hassett - School Counselor Gr. 9-12 (L-Z)

Mrs. Helen Knab - School Social Worker Gr. 6-12

Mrs. Jennifer Carriero - School Psychologist (District)

Mrs. Laura Birkby - School Psychologist (District)

Ms. Jill Brese -CPS District Liaison 858-1642

Mrs. Kathleen McKinnon - School Nurse 992-3615


Eden Elementary & GLP School Counseling Staff

Mrs. Shannon Fitzgerald - School Counselor Gr. K-5 992-3685

Mrs. Holly Tredo - School Social Worker Gr. K-5 992-3617

Mrs. Jennifer Carriero - School Psychologist (District) 992-3601

Mrs. Laura Birkby - School Psychologist (District) 992-3680

Ms. Jill Brese - CPS District Liaison 858-1642

Ms. Darlene Smith - Nurse (EE) 992-3611

Ms. Sarah Smith - Nurse (GLP) 992-3612


Eden Family Support Center

Mrs. Jennifer Carriero – 992-3601

Mrs. Shannon Fitzgerald 992-3685

Mrs. Holly Tredo – 992-3617


Crisis Services

C.A.R.E.S. Team: Crisis Services for Youth & Family – 716-882-4357

24 Hour Hotline – 716-834-3131

Kids Help Line – 716-834-1144

Crisis Services Website:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Suicide Prevention Coalition of Erie County: 716-834-2310

Erie County Mental Wellness Resource:

Kids Helpline 1-877-KIDS-400

Chautauqua County Hotline 1-800-724-0461

24-Hour Erie County Domestic Violence Hotline

716-862-HELP       For Shelter: 716-884-6000

24-Hour NYS Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline 1-800-942-6906

Buffalo NY Gay & Lesbian Youth Services GLYS 716-855-0221